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Reclined Tree Pose
Supta Vrksasana
(supta ‘reclined’ or ‘reclining + vrksah ‘tree’ + asana ‘pose’)
Tree pose, or Vrksasana, is one of the most iconic yoga poses. Common in yoga classes, it is often one of the first balance poses that yoga students will encounter. Tree pose offers a beautiful example of how we can shift a pose’s position in space to both enhance different aspects of it and make it more accessible. By taking Tree pose lying on your back, the challenge of balance is eliminated. This allows gravity to help with opening the hips, shoulders, and chest, and the ground to assist with your spinal alignment. Add to that whichever props you need to feel supported and comfortable and Tree pose becomes a calming and grounding restorative yoga pose. Try Reclined Tree Pose in bed before going to sleep.
* Always talk to your doctor before beginning any yoga practice.
• Gentle opens the hips, groin, abdomen, chest, and shoulders.
• Improves blood circulation to the hips and knees.
• Allows the vertebrae of the spine to passively realign.
• Calming and grounding for the nervous system.
• Stimulates the relaxation response, making this pose beneficial for reducing stress and improving sleep.
Cautions & contraindications:
Step-by-step (the basic set-up):
• Lie on your back on your mat with a folded/rolled yoga blanket alongside you. • Keep one leg extended long on the mat. Bend the other knee, placing the sole of the foot along the inside of the straight leg. You can place it along the inside of your thigh, or lower leg, depending what feels comfortable for you. The bent knee lowers down towards the floor. • Position the folded blanket underneath the thigh of the bent knee. Adjust the blanket so it’s nearer or further from the hip to find the most comfortable position for your body. • Your arms can stay relaxed beside your body or stretched out in a T-shape with your arms face up. • To come out of the pose, slowly lift the bent knee before straightening it out along the floor. • Pause here for a few breaths before repeating on the other side.
Find your pose (props, modifications & variations):
Below are some variations and different ways to use props in reclined tree pose – with images. Your body is unique and only you can feel how each variation feels for you. Choose the one that feels best for you, and the one that works with the props you have available. And if you need more ideas, feel free to reach out.
• No props: Many people can find comfort in this pose with no props.
• If getting onto the floor is a challenge: Practice this pose in bed.
• If you don’t have a yoga blanket: Use a cushion, one or two folded large bath or beach towels, one or two pillows, or a rectangle bolster. You can even lie on the floor and use your rolled yoga mat under the bent leg.
• If you’d like more stretch across the chest: Choose cactus arms, with the upper arms at shoulder height, elbows bent, and fingertips pointing towards the top of your mat. Alternatively, reach your arms up overhead, in any position that feels comfortable.

Reclined Tree pose with no props

Reclined tree pose with cactus arms

reclined tree pose with arms wide

reclined tree pose with arms overhead
• If the stretch feels too intense (option 1): Try moving the blanket closer to the hip, so it’s mostly supporting the upper thigh.
• If the stretch feels too intense (option 2): Elevate the bent knee a little more by adding more support.
• If the stretch feels too intense (option 3): Explore moving the foot lower down the inside of the leg.
• If your neck feels uncomfortable or your chin is jutting up: Elevate the head a bit more by placing a pillow, folded towel, or folded blanket underneath it.
• Variation with torso elevated on a bolster Set up a bolster at a 45-degree incline by elevating the side at the top of your mat. You can do this by using two yoga blocks set to two different heights as shown in the image below. You could also recline over a stack of pillows with a cushion or folded towel under the head. Make sure the set-up is stable and secure before relaxing into the pose. Add some blocks or pillows underneath the arms for extra support if they are not comfortable.
• If you feel discomfort in your lower back A rolled yoga blanket or large towel positioned under the knee of the straight leg can help bring the pelvis into a more comfortable position.

reclined tree pose with head supported

reclined tree pose with torso elevated

reclined tree pose with arms supported
How long to hold for:
• Anywhere from 5-15 minutes each side.
Give the pose a try and, if you’d like to share your experience or ask a question about how best to modify the pose for your body, send me a message. I’d love to hear from you!
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